Association of
Surgeons in Jamaica

About ASJ

The Association of Surgeons in Jamaica is a nonprofit organization established in 1958 to unite Surgeons in Jamaica. Our focus is providing optimal surgical care for our patients.

We believe wholly in the Hippocratic oath that states “I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing”.

ASJ Mission

To promote the advancement of all subspecialties of surgery in Jamaica and cultivate contacts between surgeons; within Jamaica and in the other Caribbean territories.

To provide by the actions of its members, the optimal care to patients in all elements of their care and to ensure a continuing high level by means of continuous medical education.

Quote from A McFarlene the original president “The Advancement of all branches of Surgery in Jamaica. The promotion of Social and Professional Intercourse , between the widely scattered surgeons in the island and in other Caribbean territories.”

ASJ History

The concept for the Association of Surgeons in Jamaica was promoted by Mr. John Golding, Orthopedic Surgeon at the University College Hospital of the West Indies, and was based on the Association of Surgeons in Great Britain and Ireland of which he was a member. After discussions with senior surgeons in the Government Medical Service an inaugural meeting was held on 24th April, 1958 at which Dr. Aubrey McFarlane of the Government Medical Service was appointed President and Mr. Peter Weston of the University College Hospital, Secretary. The Committee members were Dr's. R. S. Cory, S.W.P. Street, G.V. Harry and F. McConnell. The Objectives of the Association were: