Association of
Surgeons in Jamaica

ASJ History

The concept for the Association of Surgeons in Jamaica was promoted by Mr. John Golding, Orthopedic Surgeon at the University College Hospital of the West Indies, and was based on the Association of Surgeons in Great Britain and Ireland of which he was a member. After discussions with senior surgeons in the Government Medical Service an inaugural meeting was held on 24th April, 1958 at which Dr. Aubrey McFarlane of the Government Medical Service was appointed President and Mr. Peter Weston of the University College Hospital, Secretary. The Committee members were Dr's. R. S. Cory, S.W.P. Street, G.V. Harry and F. McConnell. The Objectives of the Association were:

“Firstly, to bring together all those interested in surgery in the widest sense. Thus, from the beginning Obstetricians and Anaesthetists have played a part in our discussions. Secondly to bring together the various specialist groups of Surgeons, so that they can get to know each other. Thirdly, to attract the country hospital doctors whose isolation tended to result in surgical stagnation so they can meet their colleagues and therefore make referral easier and personal. Fourthly to stimulate research and study, particularly in the residents under training.”

Clinical meetings were initially held biannually and an outreach programme of visits to public hospitals established. Internationally, joint meetings were held with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and with the Bronx Chapter of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), the latter leading to the inauguration of a local ACS Chapter (1992) which in turn created the opportunity to set up the Advanced Trauma Life Support (2005) training programme. The main meeting is now held in Kingston over two days to accommodate the growing membership and increased academic activity throughout Jamaica and regionally, with twice yearly smaller meetings held in other locations across the island.

Professor Carpenter and Fletcher hosting 1979 Meeting Professor Carpenter and Fletcher hosting 1979 Meeting

The outreach program was instituted for the purpose of the creating personal links between the surgeons in the Type A hospitals and the surgeons at the referral centers. This has continued through the years with creating collaboration.

2000 First ATLS Meeting 2000 First ATLS Meeting
2002 visit to Dr. Wellington at the Mandeville Regional by Prof. MacFarlane and Dr. Irvine. 2002 visit to Dr. Wellington at the Mandeville Regional by Prof. MacFarlane and Dr. Irvine.
Clinical Meeting 1983 Clinical Meeting 1983